Presented by Cheryl Lundy Swift, M.Ed., Professional Learning Director, Learning Without Tears; and Dr. Miriam Ortiz, CEO and Chief Consultant, K12 Matters, LLC
Presented by Dr. Tonia Durden, Clinical Professor and Birth-Five Program Coordinator, Georgia State University
Moderated by Raven Griffin, Marketing Manager, Kaplan Early Learning Company
Equity—making sure each student receives the specific resources, support, and opportunities they need to succeed—is a process. It can neither be planned for nor achieved all at once, and the target keeps moving, as was discussed during the edWebinar, “How to Improve Equity: One Step, One Goal at a Time.”
Presented by Sarah Cacicio, Director, Adult Learning, Digital Promise; Soraya Francois, Participant Advisor, Finance; Vontrese Washington, Participant Advisor, Customer Service/Retail; Malliron Hodge, Design Consultant, MLH Innovation Consulting; and Antionette Miller, Project Manager, Adult Learning, Digital Promise
Presented by Yusra Obaid, 6-12 STEM Instructional and Technology Curriculum Developer, Bellevue School District (WA); Fred Valdez, Teacher, Listowel District Secondary School, Ontario, Canada; and Megan Turner, Education Lead, Blackbird
Presented by Dr. Lee Hancock, Professor, Performance Psychology Coach, and Program Creator
Presented by Dr. Rick Miller; Dr. Sandy Husk; Dr. Karen Sullivan; and Dr. Kathleen Smith
Moderated by Dr. Jennifer Ferrari
Presented by Dr. Donna Wright; Dr. Steve Green; Dr. Jeanette Vesely; and Dr. Doug Wilson
Moderated by Dr. Jennifer Ferrari
Presented by Dr. Sharon V. Kramer, Author and Educational Speaker, Solution Tree
Presented by Maria Campanario, National Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Leadership Consultant, Benchmark Education
Moderated by Geraldine Stevens, Vice President of Product Marketing, Benchmark Education