edWeb Best Practices: Virtual Professional Learning
In this new Guide for Best Practices in Virtual Professional Learning, we’ve outlined 3Cs of Professional Learning – communication, content, and customization – that are the overarching themes for best practices and 9 Professional Learning Practices within those themes.
Differentiating Professional Development with edWeb: Meeting Educators Where They Are
Steve Murley, former Superintendent of Schools for Green Bay Area Public Schools (WI) and lifelong educator, discusses why teachers and staff require tailored learning opportunities to thrive.
Provide More Choice, Flexibility, and Accessibility
edWeb helps you give your teachers and staff choice and flexibility with their professional learning while you meet district goals and support staff needs. edWeb can make it easy for you to implement the best, most engaging, and successful practices in professional learning with our online network and free edWebinar and podcast resources.
Virtual Professional Learning: More Personalization and Work-Life Balance for All Staff
In this edWebinar, the presenters demonstrate how edWeb.net’s free professional learning platform, edWebinars, and podcasts can provide district and school staff with more autonomy, enjoyment, and engagement in professional learning. They show concrete examples of how school districts are using edWeb as a professional learning hub packed with high-quality resources for PreK–12 educators.
The Benefits of Teacher Autonomy for Professional Learning
Faculty and staff excel when they are given choice and opportunity to dive into their interests and determine their own paths of learning. Watch this edWebinar to learn how Princeton Public Schools’ educators are benefiting from increased autonomy in professional learning and find out about their secret to making PD days more engaging and fun—Tiger the therapy dog!
A School District’s Journey to Reinvent Professional Learning Post-Pandemic
In this PD in Action edWebinar, the Wayne Township Public Schools team provides an update on their journey to reinvent professional learning for their whole staff, drawing on lessons they learned and resources they discovered during the pandemic. Their goal is to provide more personalized learning and better work/life balance with more flexible, virtual learning options.
A Summer Spin on Flex-PD: Baldwin-Whitehall School District
Imagine a summer where teachers don’t just take a break but also gain the freedom to learn at their own pace, blending relaxation with professional growth. This vision came to life in the Baldwin-Whitehall School District (BWSD) with its innovative “Summer Flex-PD” program.
Unboxing edWeb VALUES for Professional Learning
L.K. Monroe, education leader and former superintendent of the Alameda County Office of Education, has launched UnboxED Solutions to provide a trusted voice for high-quality educational products and services. Her UnboxED “picks” align with her VALUES: solutions that are value-aligned, accessible, leading-edge, useful, effective, and supportive. edWeb.net is one of the first education solutions she has chosen to unbox!