Presented by Bonnie Nieves, Educator and Founder, Educate On Purpose; Jeremy Vrtis, Math Teacher and Technology Coach, Lyons Township High School (IL); and Paul Burzynski, Founder, Smartschool
Presented by Dr. Keisha Harris, Principal, Central School (NJ), and Affirmative Action and DEI Officer; Dr. Lori Rhodes, Associate Superintendent for High Schools, Stamford Public Schools (CT); and Dr. Erica Silva, School Improvement Specialist, Quality Schools and Districts Team, WestEd, and Adjunct Assistant Professor, USC Rossier School of Education
Moderated by Keline Adams, Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Penguin Random House
Presented by Bonnie Nieves, Educator and Founder, Educate On Purpose; Jeremy Vrtis, Math Teacher and Technology Coach, Lyons Township High School (IL); and Paul Burzynski, Founder, Smartschool
Presented by Dr. Brenda (Bren) Elliott, District Transformation Officer, The Innovation Project; and Kerri Larkin, Senior Education Advisor, Lexia
Presented by James O’Neal, Jr., Award-Winning Educator, Founder and CEO, Mastery for All, LLC
We are in dramatic times, according to Dr. Christina Kishimoto, Founder and CEO of Voice4Equity, LLC and Clinical Professor at the University of Southern California. In the past decade, public school classrooms transformed from having a majority of white students to mostly students of color. We have a diverse student body full of aspiring young minds who include LGBTQ, multiracial, multicultural, and multilingual identities. No other time in U.S. history has this been more evident.
Presented by Kerri Larkin, Senior Education Advisor, Lexia; Jesse Sanchez, Managing Director of Programs, The Neurodiversity Alliance; Lily Eisele, Student, Personnel Director, Student Senate Leadership, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire; Dr. Nancy Nelson, Assistant Professor of Special Education, Boston University, and Deputy Director, National Center on Improving Literacy; and Davis FitzGerald, Master’s Student in Special Education, George Washington University
Hosted by Cassandra Wheeler, Director, LETRS State Success, Lexia
Presented by Dr. José Viana, Senior Education Advisor, Lexia; Rachel Hawthorne, English Learner Senior Specialist, Really Great Reading; Andrea Bitner, ELL Educator, Author, Speaker; Dr. Jennifer Pendergrass-Bennefield, ESOL/Title III Coordinator, Floyd County Schools (GA); and Dr. Lynmara Colón, Director, Student Opportunity and Multilingual Services, Prince William County Schools (VA)
Hosted by Cassandra Wheeler, Director, LETRS State Success, Lexia
Presented by Kerri Larkin, Senior Education Advisor, Lexia; Ashlee Ciccone, Principal, Pinehurst Elementary School (NC); Dr. Gigi Luk, Professor, Centre for Research on Brain, Language, and Music, McGill University; and Allison Caldwell, Instructor Team Lead, Institute for Multi-Sensory Education
Hosted by Cassandra Wheeler, Director, LETRS State Success, Lexia
Presented by Karen Bryan-Chambers, Executive Director of Alumni Engagement and Impact, New Leaders