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A Fresh Look at Test-Prep Tools

Using engaging tools that include media and gamification, test prep can be fun and engaging for students. In this edWebinar, Nancy Penchev shares a host of ideas and present some of her favorite tools, including DoInk, FlipGrid, Chatterkids, and others.

English Learners in the United States Today and Tomorrow

In this edWebinar, Dr. Karen Henery, Director of ESOL at Little Rock School District in Arkansas, share how to implement effective and equitable systems to improve the lives and academic outcomes of EL students.

Digital Pedagogical Documentation: Why, What and How

In this edWebinar, Ron Spreeuwenberg, Co-founder and CEO of HiMama, discusses how digital tools are an enabler for busy teachers that are wearing so many hats to both get the documentation done that they need to get done, as well as to live the experience of recording observations together with a child.

Creating Modern Learning Environments

The learning environment matters and schools need options. In this edWebinar, learn how to create active, innovative learning spaces for your classroom, school, or district.

Analyzing Edtech with a Lens on Student Achievement

In this edWebinar, Burien, Washington’s Susan Enfield, Superintendent of Highline Public Schools; Mark Finstrom, Chief Technology Officer; and Rebekah Kim, Director of Instructional Supports discuss the district’s development and implementation of their edtech analysis process.

How to Boost Emotional Intelligence in Students

In this edWebinar, Maurice J. Elias, Ph.D., and Steven E. Tobias, Psy.D., talk about what emotional intelligence is and why and how you can build valuable EQ skills in your students.

2018 Is the Year of Classroom Video

In this edWebinar, watch edtech enthusiast Shannon Holden as he simplifies the process of picking the right video-sharing platform, video editor, or screencaster to suit your needs.

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