Sustaining K-12 DEI Initiatives in a Changing Landscape: Tips, Tools, and Strategies

Presented by Dr. Keisha Harris, Principal, Central School (NJ), and Affirmative Action and DEI Officer; Dr. Lori Rhodes, Associate Superintendent for High Schools, Stamford Public Schools (CT); and Dr. Erica Silva, School Improvement Specialist, Quality Schools and Districts Team, WestEd, and Adjunct Assistant Professor, USC Rossier School of Education
Moderated by Keline Adams, Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Penguin Random House

Summer Engagement for Continuous Learning

Presented by Dr. Joyce Jamerson, National Director of Academic Planning and Solution Development, Scholastic; and Dr. Kelli Cedo, Senior Director of Early Learning and Title I, Norfolk Public Schools (VA)

The Impact of Immigration Policy on Schools

Presented by Dr. Adam Clark, Superintendent, Mt. Diablo Unified School District (CA); Dr. Darneika Watson, Superintendent, Glendale Unified School District (CA); and Dr. Antonio Shelton, Superintendent, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (CA)

Whole-Child Teaching and Learning: Essential Framework for Learning Differences

Presented by Tami Hill-Washington, Ed.M., Executive Director, MLFC, Center for Whole-Child Education; and Sarah Carranza, Elementary & World Language Instructor, Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching & Learning Innovation, Arizona State University
Moderated by Barbara Pape, Senior Director, Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise

Give Hope to Struggling Adolescent Readers: Equip Teachers for Fluency Development

Presented by Dr. Carolyn Brown, Adjunct Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Iowa, and Co-Founder, Foundations in Learning; Jennifer McDonnell, Principal, Prairie Creek Intermediate, College Community School District (IA); and Angelia Hoyer, Partner Success and Professional Development Lead, WordFlight

Promoting Adult Resilience: Building Your Bounce

Presented by Dr. Nefertiti Poyner, Early Childhood Specialist and National Trainer, Devereux Center for Resilient Children
Moderated by Laura Wilhelm, Ed.D., VP of Professional Learning Services, Kaplan Early Learning Company

Making Vocabulary Instruction Practical, Powerful, and Playful, All Across the Day

Presented by Dr. Lucy Calkins, Robinson Professor of Literacy at Teachers College, Columbia University, Founding Director at The Reading & Writing Project at Mossflower, and Senior Author of Units of Study in Writing, Reading, and Phonics; and Katy Wischow, Staff Developer, The Reading & Writing Project at Mossflower

How Leaders Can Support Instruction That Meets Every Learner’s Needs

Presented by Dr. Beth Pallister, Principal, Chesapeake Public Schools (VA); Dr. Jataune Jones, Director of Professional & Organizational Development, Chesapeake Public Schools (VA); Christine Barford, Former Principal, Senior Partnerships Consultant, Modern Classrooms Project; and Robert Barnett, Former Educator, Co-Founder, Modern Classrooms Project

Roll Call! Addressing the Roots of Absenteeism with MTSS

Presented by Todd Hartman, Principal, Creekside Early Childhood School (OH); Jessica Skelton, Assistant Principal, Creekside Early Childhood School (OH); with Special Guest Deana Moss, Director of MTSS, Lakota Local School District (OH); and Ashlie Cox, Customer Success Manager, Branching Minds

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