Presented by Jaylyn Williams, Lead Professional Learning Specialist, STEM, Amplify; and Isaac Stauffer, Associate Director, Professional Development, Strategy and Delivery, STEM, Amplify
Sponsored by Amplify Science
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Every student is different, yet we are often charged with using the same curriculum for each one. And too often educators are stretched for time and strapped for resources when it comes to science class. So how do we make sure we’re still able to effectively engage and reach all students?
Join Amplify’s Jaylyn Williams, Lead STEM Professional Learning Specialist, and Isaac Stauffer, Associate Director of STEM Professional Development, as they walk through key characteristics and tools to look for in a science curriculum and specific strategies to ensure you are connecting to all students in science class.
While all educators are welcome, this edWebinar will be of particular interest to K-8 science teachers, leaders, and curriculum coaches. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.
About the Presenters
Jaylyn Williams is a Lead Professional Learning Specialist at Amplify with eight years of experience working in the field of education. As an Amplify Professional Learning Specialist (PLS), Jaylyn facilitates professional learning for teachers, school administrators, and district-level leaders to support implementation. Additionally, she coaches science teachers throughout the school year, observing, providing feedback, and creating action plans with educators. Prior to joining Amplify in 2022, Jaylyn was a sixth-grade science teacher in Washington, D.C., and supported fellow teachers with her district’s adoption of Amplify Science.
Isaac Stauffer has been in education for over 10 years, holding many instructional roles in the K-5 grade band as a teacher, both general education and co-taught, as well as a content specialist, alongside coaching extracurricular activities to all ages. He has also worked for curriculum publishers, spending the last five-plus years diving into the Next Generation Science Standards. Isaac now builds professional development services and sessions considering best practices for implementation of high-quality instructional materials.
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Amplify is dedicated to collaborating with educators to create learning experiences that are rigorous and riveting for all students. Teaching is always challenging, often exhausting, and sometimes exhilarating. At Amplify, we want teachers to experience more exhilaration—more great classroom moments, more great days when you’re reminded why you became a teacher. Whether you teach literacy, science, or math, we create high-quality programs that make it easier for you to deliver inspiring, impactful lessons that celebrate and develop the brilliance of your students.