The goal of this edWebinar is to increase knowledge of the developmental continuum as it relates to self-regulation, through sensory processing, emotional regulation, and executive functioning skills.
This edWebinar will provide you with information on new and innovative technologies that can be used by individuals with Autism in the classroom and at home.
During this edWebinar, attendees will learn how to combine essential ingredients to create and implement successful and customized transition plans for their students.
Take an in-depth look at evidence-based strategies to help reduce and/or replace challenging behaviors utilizing functional communication training.
Individuals with special needs struggle to graduate from high school and earn a diploma, much less pursue higher education or gain meaningful employment. Sometimes, there is a skills gap between the desired career and the student’s training. Many times, though, the problem is also a communication gap. During the edWebinar “Digital Badge Credentials: Preparing Students with Special Needs for Employment,” the presenters discussed how and why digital badges can help students validate their training and verify their credentials with prospective employers.
This edWebinar will cover accommodations that support personalized learning and maximizing large group, small group, 1:1, and independent work so all students have access to learning growth.
In this edWebinar, Nina Finkler shares ways to identify and assess skills to plan goals for students with autism.
This edWebinar will discuss the trends and challenges facing the field of education technology and its impacts on inclusion and for students with disabilities including autism.
This edWebinar will explore how teachers are using Digital Badge Credentials to increase opportunities for all students, including those with autism and other special needs.
This edWebinar will discuss the unique role of the paraprofessional working with students with autism and give you strategies to use every day.