Short on Time: Making Time to Lead and Learn as a Principal
Today’s teachers and principals are continually on the move. In an era of constant change, increasing accountability, and new challenges, we often feel that we simply do not have the time to innovate in our schools. Principals and teacher-leaders, however, must work collaboratively to maximize time to foster strong learning communities, grow as a leader, and share out successes. In this webinar for the Leadership 3.0 community, Bill Sterrett provided strategies and tips from the field, and encouraged educators in their work as school leaders. Bill covered the “ABCs” of meetings (affirmation, best practices, and coordination)
, utilizing technology to bolster PLCs
, connecting with the community
, and many other strategies for making time to learn and lead
. View the webinar to learn ways to make time to innovate at your school!
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Leadership 3.0: Essential Skills for Innovative Leaders is a professional learning community (PLC) that will help school principals use Web 2.0 tools to be an innovative leader, help teachers grow professionally, improve student learning, and improve communications with all stakeholders. This program is sponsored by ClassFlow and co-hosted by, NAESP, and NASSP.
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