Excellence in Every Classroom: Supporting Teachers in Guaranteeing Learning for All
School improvement can’t exist until the learning of educators becomes the constant. Teachers all across America are working hard, but some fail while others excel. To reach the goal of “No Child Left Behind,” it starts with saving every teacher first. Excellence in Every Classroom (EIEC) is a philosophy that leaders employ to save every kid by making teacher learning the preferred tool of school improvement. In this webinar for the edWeb.net Leadership 3.0 community, John Wink, Director of Curriculum Instruction and Assessment for Tatum ISD in Texas, shared how EIEC uses the Hierarchy of Learning to help teachers prioritize their personal growth around their greatest area of need. John shared about the hierarchy’s foundation, starting with the conditions for learning and building toward empowering students through rigorous learning environments.
John explained three tiers of supports that EIEC provides teachers and leaders: School-wide Excellence Supports, Teacher Team Excellence Supports, and Individualized Excellence Plans. All teachers struggle, but there are two things that all excellent teachers have in common: focus and tenacity. View the webinar to learn how EIEC can transform your school into a vibrant learning environment that inspires all teachers to be their best for their students by focusing on self-improvement one step at a time.
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Leadership 3.0: Essential Skills for Innovative Leaders is a professional learning community (PLC) that will help school principals use Web 2.0 tools to be an innovative leader, help teachers grow professionally, improve student learning, and improve communications with all stakeholders. This program is co-hosted by edWeb.net, NAESP, and NASSP.
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