Research with Rigor: Guided Inquiry Design Reaching to the Higher Expectations of the Core
Have you been wondering how to increase the rigor within an inquiry approach? Inquiry learning is the premier way to accomplish the Common Core State Standards, but inquiry can seem like a very loose and open way to teach and learn. How do you ensure that your students achieve the rigor necessary to attain college and career readiness through an inquiry approach? The Guided Inquiry Design program holds the key to rigor in inquiry. In the LMC @ The Forefront community’s latest webinar, presenter Leslie Kuhlthau Maniotes, an international consultant, explored how to attain the highest level of rigor and research using Guided Inquiry Design. She investigated how inquiry can be carefully and purposely guided to accomplish rigor. She defined rigor as creating an environment in which each student is expected to learn at high levels, each student is supported so that he or she can learn at high levels, and each student demonstrates learning at high levels (Blackburn, 2008). Attendees were given a look at each component of rigor and shown how Guided Inquiry Design addresses each area; expectation, supports for learning and demonstration of learning. Leslie showed how with careful planned use of Guided Inquiry Design you can increase student rigor and engagement.
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LMC @ The Forefront is a professional learning community (PLC) here school librarians, district librarians, and school library LMS students can collaborate on all aspects of being a K-12 library media professional.
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