in this edWebinar, Dr. Leslie Maniotes introduces Guided Inquiry Design (GID), a research-backed instructional design for inquiry-based learning.
Presented by Leslie Maniotes, Ph.D. Author/Consultant on Inquiry Learning Sponsored by Libraries Unlimited WATCH THE WEBINAR RECORDING If you attended the live session, you’ll be emailed a CE certificate within 24 hours of the webinar. If you view the recording and would like a CE certificate, join the SLC @ The Forefront community and go to the… read more →
In this edWeb webinar presented by the SLC @ the Forefront community, Leslie K. Maniotes, NBCT, M.Ed.,Ph.D., and Senior Consultant at BLV Consulting, shared concrete strategies with attendees to help get them started using Guided Inquiry Design. Leslie discussed programmatic systems, long and short-term planning, and connections and tweaks that educators can make to their current instructional practice.
Have you been wondering how to increase the rigor within an inquiry approach? Inquiry learning is the premier way to accomplish the CCSS. But inquiry can seem like a very loose and open way to teach and learn.