Literacy Draws Upon Art
This webinar for the Champion Creativity community encouraged educators to explore how art and literacy are intrinsically linked. Webinar presenter, Cheri Sterman, Crayola Director of Education, discussed the new National Art Standards and showed how closely they align with the Language Arts Standards. She explored the parallels between how authors and illustrators convey meaning. Cheri also looked at popular children’s picture books and “read illustrations” to extract meaning. It is amazing how much information can be found by carefully observing an illustration. Collectively, attendees found visual clues that give insights into the characters and plots. To help participants find rich meaning in illustrations, the webinar also explored visual literacy tools: the Art Elements and Principles of Design. These tools enable teachers and students to read illustrations and become more fluent communicators.
After the session, participants were encouraged to immerse themselves in this creative process and see how meaningful it is to create art themselves. The hands-on art experience deepened their understanding of how to use visual literacy tools with students. Special awards are also offered for those who post their artwork!
View the webinar recording to learn how to:
- Identify parallels between visual literacy and written literacy and compare/contrast the way artists and authors communicate meaning;
- Analyze popular children’s picture book illustrations and be able to apply this to any children’s literature, exploring the art elements and principles of design the artist used; and
- Explore how the new National Visual Art standards align with Language Arts standards.
Earn your CE Certificate for viewing this recording: Join the free Champion Creativity: The Power of Art-Infused Education community on and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar. Past webinars, presentation slides, and CE quizzes are available in the Webinar Archives folder of the Community Toolbox.
Champion Creativity: The Power of Art-Infused Education is a free professional learning community (PLC) that helps principals, art teachers and other teacher leaders build creative capacity schoolwide. The online community hosts interactive professional development so educators can be inspired by others’ promising practices and share ideas as they explore the power of art to transform a school. This program is sponsored by Crayola.
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