Closing the Circle: Analyzing and Improving Assessments for Learning
In the last of a three-part series about bringing higher-level questions into the classroom, Dan Levin, President and Founder of EducAide Software, focused on best practices. Dan discussed newer classroom models where assessment is made part of everyday teaching and learning. Specifically, he explained how assessment can be worked into a flipped classroom or blended learning environment. He shared how non-traditional forms of assessment, such as peer-to-peer learning, can produce useful information for the teacher. Another idea is to include an assessment component in warm-up, group, and closure activities during class. Teachers can make students more responsible for their own learning through technology-enhanced self-assessments. The methods for integrating instruction and assessment are relevant to all grades and all core subjects (math, science, social studies and ELA). View the webinar if you are responsible for professional development or training for CCSS.
Assessment for Learning is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides ideas and resources for teachers to help them with instruction and real-time, formative assessment. The best practices, which are researched-based and relatively easy to introduce into the classroom, can have a tremendous impact on student achievement.
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