More Than Fun & Games: The Games4Ed Initiative


family-game-588908__180Are you using games in the classroom? Have you thought about bringing games to your class or institution? Would you like to find out more about the value of using games to engage and assess students? In this webinar, Steve Isaacs and Lucas Gillispie shared how they have successfully introduced game-based learning into their schools. Steve and Lucas discussed a newly founded group, Games4Ed, which is taking a critical look at using games to advance learning opportunities for students. Steve and Lucas shared tangible examples of effective game-based learning practices, and introduced the Games4Ed mission and goals for ensuring that games are considered effective tools for learning. Games4Ed is comprised of educators, developers, researchers, publishers, policy makers, and other stakeholders interested in the integration of games into learning. Games4Ed formed a number of working groups focused on topics including research and pilot programs, evaluating games and determining what makes a game effective for learning, interoperability with existing school data systems, how to create sustainable gamed-based learning programs, and how games can be used for student assessment. View the webinar to find out how you can work with Games4Ed to advance the effective use of game-based learning.

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Game-Based Learning is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides educators, game developers, researchers, and industry executives with a place to learn, ask questions, discuss topics, and share information about games and learning.  This program is co-hosted by, Games4Ed, ISTE GSN, ISTE VEN, and the Education Division of SIIA.

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