Digital Games & Learning: Theory & Research
Interest in the potential of games for learning is growing, from researchers, practitioners and policy-makers, predominantly for their ability to engage students. However, Dr. Nicola Whitton, Senior Research Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University argues that the benefits of games are greater than simply motivation. The potential of games for learning goes far beyond their use with children in formal educational settings. In this webinar for the Game-Based Learning community, Nicola introduced the wide range of theoretical benefits of games, and presented theoretical framework of four affordances of games for learning: digital games as active learning environments – games as problem-based environments that provide authentic and collaborative contexts; digital games as motivational tools – the ways in which video games attract and engage players as artifacts designed for enjoyment and the reward structures they employ; digital games as playgroups – the importance of freedom, experimentation and fantasy within digital game spaces; and digital games as learning technologies – games as interactive systems, digital habitats and multi-sensory experiences. View the webinar for a stimulating discussion of the potential of digital games for learning.
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Game-Based Learning is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides educators, game developers, researchers, and industry executives with a place to learn, ask questions, discuss topics, and share information about games and learning. This program is co-hosted by, Games4Ed, ISTE GSN, ISTE VEN, and the Education Division of SIIA.
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