Common Core in the Garden
In the Growing School Gardens community’s February webinar, attendees learned how to use a garden to bring learning to life! A school garden (however large or small) provides a meaningful context in which students can apply new academic concepts and skills. Whether they are graphing the temperature of their compost pile over time; reading a recipe to make fresh salsa; writing a story from the perspective of an ant; or presenting to a buddy class on the animals that visited their sunflower patch, the opportunities for children to practice traditional academic subjects in the garden are limitless! As students use their new-found math and language skills to measure, calculate, graph, and communicate about things that really matter to them, they deepen their understanding of the subject matter while also rediscovering the joy and fascination that characterizes learning within a meaningful context. Whitney Cohen, Life Lab’s Education Director, shared specific ideas for garden-based activities that align with Common Core standards. View the webinar to learn ways to use a school garden to help your students achieve CCSS skills.
Join the Growing School Gardens community on and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar. Past webinars and quizzes can be found in the Resource Library.
Growing School Gardens is a professional learning community (PLC) for educators, gardeners, parents, and community volunteers to come together to share information and resources on how to start and maintain a school garden, and integrate it into the curriculum, the life of a school, and the local community.
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I just watched the Common Core in the Garden Webinar and would love to take the quiz for the CEU but cannot find it. Can you help? I have viewed three webinars now and have never received my CEU’s. They are great but I would also love to get credit for them.
Thanks for your help,
Robin Arends
[email protected]
Hi Robin,
You will need to be a member of the free Growing School Gardens community on edWeb to access the quiz. You can join at The quiz (along with the presentation slides and chat log) is located in the Resource Library under Web 2.0 Tools.
Thank you,