Middle schoolers can get a lot out of the school garden experience, from growing food to learning about the science underlying the natural world. At CitySprouts summer youth program in Cambridge, MA
Whether students are graphing the temperature of their compost pile over time; reading a recipe to make fresh salsa; writing a story from the perspective of an ant; or presenting to a buddy class on the animals that visited their sunflower patch, the opportunities for children to practice traditional academic subjects in the garden are limitless!
Farm and garden based learning serve as ideal environments for students of all ages to learn self-awareness, and tackle issues around diversity, oppression and equity.
How does your garden grow in the fall? With cold frames, and chilly plants, and covered beds all in a row? Quite the contrary! Presenter Thianda Manzara talked about back to school gardening in this month’s Growing School Gardens webinar. She discussed several choices for cover crops, ideal conditions for growing and harvesting, and the science behind… read more →