Universal Pre-Kindergarten: How to Ensure Successful Implementation

Presented by Dionne Clabaugh, Ed.D., VP, Learning and Teaching Engagement, Coherent Educational Solutions; and Caren Drezner, M.Ed., Early Childhood Education Consultant, Coherent Educational Solutions
Moderated by Jamie Valenzuela-Mumau, Ed.D., CEO, Coherent Educational Solutions

Fresh Literature That Widens Readers’ Horizons

Presented by Carol Jago, Past President, National Council of Teachers of English, Consulting Author to HMH Into Reading, a K-6 reading program, and HMH Into Literature, a 6-12 literature program
Moderated by Sara Buren, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, 6-12 ELA, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Building Successful Readers and Writers Who Can Decode, Spell, and Comprehend What They Read

Presented by Kathy Rhea Bumgardner, M.Ed., National Literacy Consultant for Strategies Unlimited, Inc., Program Author of Wonders 2023 for McGraw Hill Education, and Adjunct Professor of Literacy at Queens University of Charlotte
Moderated by Joanna Lewis, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Supplemental Literacy, McGraw Hill Education

Cybersecurity in Today’s Learning Environments: What School Leaders Must Know and Do

Presented by Dr. Doug Brubaker, Superintendent, Texarkana Independent School District (TX); Lorrie Owens, Chief Technology Officer, Integrated Technology Services, San Mateo County Office of Education (CA); and Glenn Robbins, Superintendent, Brigantine Public Schools (NJ)
Moderated by Ann McMullan, Project Director, CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) EmpowerED Superintendents Initiative

Building Relationships with Your Students AND Staff: A Groundbreaking Conversation

Presented by Miyoshi Knox, Former Principal for Chicago Public Schools and Leadership Consultant for The Leadership Perspective; and Darius Weatherspoon, Student Special Services Advocate, Chicago Public Schools’ Burnham Elementary (IL)
Moderated by Jessica Berlinski, Director of K-12 Education, Ripple Effects

Tips for Transitioning Students with Autism Into the Classroom

Presented by Dr. Kari Stubbs, Vice President, Brand Strategy & Industry Alliances, STAGES® Learning; Dr. Michelle Nutini, District & Educator Advocate, STAGES® Learning; Michael Caliguiri, Educational Ambassador, STAGES® Learning; and Lisa Schleer, Vice President of Educational Strategic Partnerships, STAGES® Learning

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