Presented by Carol Jago, Past President, National Council of Teachers of English, Consulting Author to HMH Into Reading, a K-6 reading program, and HMH Into Literature, a 6-12 literature program
Moderated by Sara Buren, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, 6-12 ELA, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Sponsored by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
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Back to school is the most wonderful time of the year! Educators are busy planning class goals for the year, setting norms and expectations for classroom device use, and supporting families with at-home tips and conversation starters.
Nobody reads to practice their reading skills. We read because there is something on the page or screen that we need. Reading, discussing, and writing about culturally responsive literature invites students to reflect upon their circumstances and the circumstances of others. It helps them develop the inner strength needed to be resilient in a world full of so much uncertainty. Carol Jago offers viewers texts and tasks designed to engage students in the kind of conversations that just might move us all towards a better tomorrow. In this edWebinar, you garner ideas for:
This recorded edWebinar is of interest to middle and high school teachers, librarians, school and district leaders, and ELA curriculum coordinators and CAOs.
About the Presenter
Carol Jago has taught English in middle and high school public schools for 32 years and is Associate Director of the California Reading and Literature Project at UCLA. She served as President of the National Council of Teachers of English and as Chair of the College Board’s English Academic Advisory committee. She has published many books including The Book in Question: Why and How Reading Is in Crisis. She is also the author of With Rigor for All and Cohesive Writing: Why Concept Is Not Enough and has published books on contemporary multicultural authors for NCTE.
Carol is a consulting author to HMH Into Reading, a K-6 reading program, and HMH Into Literature, a 6-12 literature program, along with numerous previous programs. Carol was awarded the International Literacy Association’s Adolescent Literacy Thought Leader Award and the CEL Exemplary Leadership Award. She has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the California Association of Teachers of English. Carol has served on the National Assessment Governing Board and currently serves on the International Literacy Association’s Board of Directors.
About the Moderator
Sara Buren serves as Senior Product Marketing Manager for 6–12 Supplemental and ELA programs. Prior to HMH, Sara traveled the world developing special advertising reports for The New York Times Magazine and Forbes. She holds an international business and urban analysis degree from The Ohio State University.
Learn more about viewing the live presentation and the recording, earning your CE certificate, and using our new accessibility features.
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