Instructional Power: Teaching to Reach Each Student

Presented by Kelisa Wing, CEO and President, Promises and Possibilities; and Dr. Tanji Reed Marshall, CEO and Principal Consultant, Liaison Educational Partners
Moderated by Barbara Pape, Senior Director, Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise

Moving Toward a ProSocial Culture: Mastering the Moment

Presented by Johno Oberly, Content Coordinator, Meteor Education; LindaGail Walker, Executive Director of Innovation and Impact, Meteor Education; and Kevin Baird, Chairman, Center for College and Career Readiness

Summer School Accelerator: STEM and PBL Models That Work

Presented by John Moye, CEO and Co-Founder, Lobee Learning; Alison Brehm, Elementary Summer and After School Coordinator, Kawameeh Middle School (NJ); and Rachelle Dené Poth, Spanish and STEAM Educator, Author, Attorney, Consultant, and Keynote Speaker

Courageous Classrooms: Embracing Vulnerability in Math Education

Presented by Cassie Martin Reynolds, Former Educator, Current Regional Vice President of Professional Learning, Carnegie Learning; and Katie Ruff, Former Teacher, Current Director of Product Marketing, Mathematics, Carnegie Learning

Nurturing Curious Minds in Early Education

Presented by Dr. Amanda Alzena Sullivan, Senior Program Developer, The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP); Dr. Amanda Strawhacker, STEAM Coordinator, Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston (MA); and Lori Lynch, VP of Professional Learning, Britannica Education

How Do We Teach Teenagers to Read?

Presented by Louise Baigelman, Founder and CEO, Storyshares; and Shira Engel, Director of Education, Storyshares

Digital Citizenship Week and Digital Well-Being in the Arctic

Presented by Amy Eakin, Director of Technology, Northwest Arctic Borough School District (AK); and Sue Thotz, Director of Education Outreach, Common Sense Education
Moderated by Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Midwest, Common Sense Education

Teaching and Learning Through the Lens of Your Students

Presented by Javier Zamora, Author; Dr. Simran Jeet Singh, Executive Director, Aspen Institute’s Program on Religion & Society, and Author; and Dr. Tatiana Rivadeneyra, Program Director of Teacher Education and Assistant Professor, Alliant International University

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