Presented by Chelsea Staton, Former Elementary Math Educator, Current Education Partnerships Manager, MIND Education; and Ki Karou, Senior Director of Product, Content, MIND Education
Sponsored by MIND Education
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Imagine a math classroom filled with the excited buzz of collaboration, the “aha!” moments of understanding, and the confident voices of students explaining their reasoning. This is the sound of deep math learning—a sound we all long to hear but often doesn’t happen.
In this edWebinar, the presenters will explore how focusing on Big Ideas and math discourse in mathematics can transform your classrooms into vibrant, engaging environments that students, teachers, and district leaders dream of. They’ll also discuss:
Join us and discover how asking students a single question to get them thinking creates a lasting impact on student achievement and brings the joyful sound of math learning back into your classrooms. This edWebinar will be of interest to PreK through middle school teachers, school leaders, and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.
About the Presenters
Chelsea Staton serves as an Education Partnerships Manager for Texas. Prior to joining the MIND team, she spent eight years as an elementary math educator in West Texas. During her time in the classroom, Chelsea developed a love for sharing her knowledge of mathematical best practices and used ST Math with her own students. She is passionate about helping students love math and believes that every person is a “math person.” Chelsea holds a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Angelo State University and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Texas Tech University. Chelsea enjoys connecting and building relationships with educators across the country to positively impact student learning.
As Senior Director of Product, Content for MIND Research Institute, Ki Karou leads a team of learning and game designers, artists, and mathematicians developing the next generation of the ST Math interactive programs. Ki has been designing neuroscience-driven edtech solutions for over a decade. Prior to joining MIND, he founded Beyond Math, an education company focused on teaching math in unique and non-traditional ways. Ki has spoken at SXSWedu and written articles published in Huffington Post. He has a bachelor’s in engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.
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MIND Education engages, motivates, and challenges students towards mathematical success through its mission to mathematically equip all students to solve the world’s most challenging problems. MIND is the creator of ST Math, a PreK-8 visual instructional program that leverages the brain’s innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems.