Providing science and math content online can be relatively straightforward, but engaging students in true distance learning requires more than just transmittal of information. Secondary students in particular need to be able to see and ask questions during laboratory experiments, or receive feedback when developing their own solutions to math problems. During a recent edWebinar, two experienced teachers explained how they made the transition from teaching in a classroom to remote instruction during the spring, and how they are prepared to teach online or in hybrid settings during the new school year.
Presented by Dena Simmons, Ed.D., Assistant Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Yale University, CT; Dr. Baron R. Davis, Superintendent, Richland School District Two, SC; and Doris Corporan, Counselor, New York City
Presented by David Rose, MA, Director, Education Partners, Lexia Learning; and Meg Van Voorhis, M.Ed., Director, Learning and Development, Lexia Learning
Presented by Samantha Reichard, Lead Real Time Teacher Coach, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, NC
Presented by Nate Walden, Instructional Designer, Indiana eLearning Lab; and David McGuire, Moderator, Parent/Families Community of Practice, Indiana eLearning Lab, and Principal, Tindley Preparatory Academy, IN
Presented by Dr. Julie Morrow, Former Assistant Superintendent, Rowan-Salisbury, NC
Presented by Michael Romero, Local District South Superintendent, Los Angeles Unified School District, CA; and Todd Rogers, Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University, and Chief Scientist, EveryDay Labs
Lexia Learning’s Chief Learning Officer Dr. Liz Brooke’s steadfast determination to ensure students of all abilities can become successful readers and confident learners continues to be the driving force behind all of her work. According to Brooke in a recent edWebinar, during this time of remote and distance learning, “There have been various levels of implementation, fidelity, and various levels of learning happening.”
In this edWebinar, three leading superintendents, joined by CoSN’s Cybersecurity Initiative Project Director, share their perspectives and experiences in dealing with the complexities of managing and assuring cyber security in today’s K-12 learning environments.
In this edWebinar, A.C. Randono, Ph.D., CEO and Founder of Figure Math, takes a deep dive into how active, discovery learning approaches to math education can not only help your students get through this difficult time but can also give them the tools they need to thrive.