Presented by Breana Piles, Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Coordinator, Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD (TX); John Muldoon, Assistant Superintendent, Maple Run Unified School District (VT); and MaryAdair McGrath, Account Director, Panorama Education
When the Nation’s Report Card for 2022 was released by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the declines in student reading and math scores were alarming, but for many, the data was not surprising.
Presented by Alison B. Augustson, MTSS Coordinator for Elementary Schools, Rowan-Salisbury School System (NC); Matt Harriger, MTSS Coordinator for Secondary Schools, Rowan-Salisbury School System (NC); and Dr. Yvette Cantu, Chief Academic Officer, Buena Park School District (CA)
Moderated by Jess Weston, Customer Success Manager, Panorama Education
Presented by Susan Lambert, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary Humanities, Amplify
Meeting student needs is crucial to their academic performance, school engagement, and social-emotional well-being. Providing individualized interventions that undergird and promote all students’ progress is therefore vital.
Presented by Sonja Davidson, Director of Student Advocacy Services, Ogden School District (UT); Jennifer McComas, Director of Special Education, Heath City School District (OH); and Guadalupe De La O, Assistant Principal of STEM and Scholar Culture, Alliance College-Ready Middle Academy 4 (CA)
Moderated by Nick Woolf, Playbook Content Director, Panorama Education
For any educator or administrator looking to build a comprehensive support system for students, the edLeader Panel, “MTSS: Taking Efficacy from Good to Great,” is a must-watch discussion. The panelists discussed how Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) improve school environments, academic achievement, and student behavior.
Presented by Sarah Brown, Ph.D., Senior Director, MTSS Solutions, Renaissance Learning; and Holly Windram, Ph.D., Executive Director, Hope Network’s Michigan Education Corps Reading Corps and Math Corps Programs
Presented by Miyoshi Knox, Former Principal for Chicago Public Schools and Leadership Consultant for The Leadership Perspective; and Darius Weatherspoon, Student Special Services Advocate, Chicago Public Schools’ Burnham Elementary (IL)
Moderated by Jessica Berlinski, Director of K-12 Education, Ripple Effects
Presented by Rachel Brown, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, Illuminate Education, Inc.; and John Bielinski, Ph.D., Senior Director of Research and Development, Illuminate Education, Inc.