Academic impact shows up in many ways, whether through state assessment results, graduation rates, or anecdotal stories about student progress. During the edLeader Panel “Building Academic Impact Into Your District Strategies: Making the Grade,” we learned it can be challenging for districts to determine the best ways to demonstrate impact for school-level reporting, district stakeholders, and their communities. But one Texas district found a way.
Presented by Dr. Robert R. Zywicki, Senior Director, Strategic Solutions Engineer, Renaissance Learning; and Julie Cobb, Director of Professional Services, Nearpod
Presented by Kate Pechacek, K12 Strategic Advisor, TalkingPoints
Moderated by Heather Dooley, Senior Director of Brand Marketing and Communications, TalkingPoints
Disoriented. Complicated. Collaborative. A work in progress. Do these words describe your district’s Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) journey? Much of the audience who responded in the live chat during the edLeader Panel “Authoring Your MTSS Story: A Success Spotlight with Chicago Public Schools” described their district’s process like this, reflecting a common theme among many school districts nationwide.
Presented by Dr. Gene Kerns, Chief Academic Officer, Renaissance; and Tiyi Smith, National Academic Advisor, Renaissance
Presented by Dr. Angie Brooks, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Coppell Independent School District (TX); Mary Kennington, Director of Accountability, Assessment, & Multi‑Tiered Systems of Support, Coppell Independent School District (TX); and Jennifer Martin, Principal, Town Center Elementary School, Coppell Independent School District (TX)
Moderated by Kevin Hazel, Account Manager, Panorama Education
According to data from the American Enterprise Institute and EdWeek Research Center, school districts across the country are reporting sharp and consistent increases in chronic absenteeism and behavior problems, both of which are negatively impacting academic achievement. While many districts believe these problems are a result of the pandemic, the fact remains these are serious problems that require real-time interventions to get students back on track.
The number of students with significant needs has grown, and schools must address the needs of all students. During the edLeader Panel “Today’s MTSS Classroom: Meeting the Instructional Needs of ALL Students,” experts and school district leaders came together to discuss instructional models to help all students learn.
Presented by Toni Liza DeMello, District Manager, MTSS, Chicago Public Schools (IL); and Dr. Eva Dundas, Chief Academic Officer, Branching Minds
Addressing Tier 3 behavior can be challenging, but utilizing a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) can make successful intervention planning both possible and practical in any size district.