Picture This, Take Two: Weaving Digital Imagery into Everyday Teaching
Interested in the many ways that digital images can be used to build critical thinking skills and student collaboration? Wondering how digital images can deepen and strengthen the learning going on in the classroom or library? In this second of three sessions in the Ignite Digital Learning community on edWeb.net, Sara Torpey shared simple, practical strategies for incorporating digital images into everyday teaching! Sara shared easy-to-implement approaches for bringing digital images into nearly any lesson at any level, strategies for building critical thinking AND collaborative skills, while supporting Common Core ELA and state subject area standards, and ideas for combining digital imagery and graphic organizers to structure student thinking. View the webinar to learn how to weave digital imagery into your everyday teaching.
Did you miss the first webinar of the series? Watch the recording here.
Earn your CE Certificate for viewing this recording: Join the free Ignite Digital Learning community on edWeb.net and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar. Past webinars, presentation slides, and CE quizzes are available in the Webinar Archives folder of the Community Toolbox.
Ignite Digital Learning is a free professional learning community (PLC) where educators, librarians, and administrators can explore strategies and tactics for getting every child to be a better thinker, better reader, and better writer through the use of digital resources. Together, we can transform learning to reach every student’s true potential. This program is sponsored by Britannica Digital Learning.
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