Presented by Dr. Ryan Fuller, Director, Cobb Virtual Academy (GA); Sarika Simpson, Vice President of Instruction, Edmentum; and Emily Kroutil, Teacher Training Specialist – Teacher Quality, Georgia Virtual School (GA)
Presented by Holly Brzycki, Supervisor of Online Learning, Capital Area Intermediate Unit (CAOLA); Nartarshia Sharpe, M.Ed., MBCT, School Counselor, Dean of Students, Crossroads FLEX High School (NC); and Dr. Allison Powell, Chief Academic Officer, Evergreen Education Group, and Program Chair, Digital Learning Annual Conference (DLAC) 2024
Presented by Eric Carbaugh, Ph.D., Faculty, ASCD
Presented by Eric Carbaugh, Ph.D., Faculty, ASCD
Presented by Eric Carbaugh, Ph.D., Faculty, ASCD
Presented by Eleanor Janszky, Senior Early Learning Specialist and Educational Producer, Let’s Learn; Katharine (Katie) Pace Miles, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY), Co-Founder and Principal Investigator, CUNY Reading Corps, and Author, Reading Ready; Isabel Simmons, School-Based Literacy Coach, New York City Public Schools Literacy Collaborative, Office of Curriculum and Instruction, Division of Teaching and Learning; and Rebekah Nelson, Instructional Specialist, New York City Department of Education
Presented by Eric Carbaugh, Ph.D., Faculty, ASCD
Presented by Eric Carbaugh, Ph.D., Faculty, ASCD
Presented by Christine Elgersma, Senior Editor, Learning Content, Common Sense Education; and Tanner Higgin, Ph.D., Director, Education Editorial Strategy, Common Sense Education
Moderated by Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Common Sense Education
Presented by Mackey Pendergrast, Superintendent, Morris School District (NJ); Erica Hartman, District Director of Technology Integration, Morris School District (NJ); and Dewayne J. McClary, Director, League of Innovative Schools, Digital Promise
Moderated by Monica Cougan, Manager, Strategic Relationships and Initiatives, ENA and CatchOn