edWeb at ISTE 2015 Recap

edWeb take charge of your learning

What a blast! The edWeb team was out and about at ISTE 2015 in Philadelphia last week. We connected with so many great educators and industry execs about what’s hot in education. It was so wonderful to catch up with our edWeb partners and see what they have to offer for the upcoming school year.

Check out some of our highlights and photos we captured below!

Richard Culatta, Director of EdTech for the US Department of Education, and Larry Cocco, co-founder of the Games4Ed Project, addressed educators helping to advance the integration of games into learning. edWeb is one of the partners for the project.

Lisa Schmucki, edWeb’s founder, met with Cybraryman Jerry Blumengarten, who hosted a presentation on Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere: Taking Charge of Your Own PD. The panel of educators shared their favorite PD resources which included edWeb!

Lisa Schmucki and Lynn Scott, from edWeb, stopped by the Mackin booth to meet with Troy Mikell and Mesa Heise. Shannon Miller, Teacher Librarian and Technology Integration Specialist, presented on MackinVIA.

Charlene Blohm, founder of C. Blohm & Associates, Inc., and Linda Winter, the president of the Winter Group, hosted a “Purely Social” event for education industry friends and colleagues.

Lisa Schmucki visited with Michael Campbell, VP Marketing/Sales, at the Learning Bird booth.

Lisa Schmucki attended a session on the Connected Educator initiative that was launched by the US DOE in 2012. The growth in participation has been fantastic! edWeb helps to spread the word about this collaborative effort to get more educators participating in online, connected PD.

Susan Meell, president of MMS Education, presented the results of the SIIA EIN Vision K20 Report on the integration of technology in education.