edWeb.net Announces Achieve3000 Sponsorship of Community on Differentiating Instruction
edWeb.net is announcing Achieve3000, the leader in online differentiated instruction, as the sponsor of the free Differentiating Instruction with Educational Technology professional learning community (PLC) on edWeb. The edWeb PLC helps educators improve student learning by providing a free platform to collaborate on ideas for using technology to differentiate instruction and boost students’ readiness for college and career.
According to research, 63% of all jobs will require a college education by 2018. To be college and career ready, students need to be reading at the 1300 Lexile level, but the average 12th-grader is reading between a 910 and a 1210 Lexile level. For English language learners (ELL) and struggling readers, the average is 720.
To help students reach these more rigorous expectations, Achieve3000 differentiates lessons at 12 levels of English and seven levels of Spanish to engage all learners at their individual reading levels, accelerating reading gains, boosting mastery of state standards and performance on high-stakes tests, and preparing them for college and career. Achieve3000’s solutions steadily increase students’ ability to read, comprehend, apply and communicate information derived from complex text.
In the community’s most recent webinar “Literacy = Language Production: Going Beyond the Text & Embracing the Talk,” Kevin Baird, Chairman of the Board at the non-profit Center for College & Career Readiness, presented on the critical role of discussion and debate in building strong literacy skills. He delved into the latest research to outline priority steps and pragmatic strategies for leveraging the power of student talk in accelerating literacy growth.
The next webinar, “Unstoppable Learning,” will take place on April 24th at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Dr. Douglas Fisher, Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University, will help participants discover how systems thinking can enhance teaching and learning, and help participants discover practical suggestions and recommended solutions for unlocking classroom success.
Lisa Schmucki, founder of edWeb, commented, “I have a personal connection to the wonderful work that Achieve3000 does. I was Vice President of Marketing for Achieve3000 in one of my previous positions. I learned so much from the founder and CEO, Saki Dodelson, about how to help schools, teachers, and most of all students, celebrate success! Those lessons are more important than ever.”
Educators are invited to join the free Differentiating Instruction with Educational Technology professional learning community on edWeb.net for invitations to upcoming webinars, online discussions, and access to resources.
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