How a Well-Designed Website Can Increase K-12 Community Engagement


web-400894_640You might be surprised by how much the look and feel of a website impacts communication and community engagement. In this webinar for’s Parent Involvement and Community Engagement, professional website designers shared how design solves communication problems and why it is a critical factor for increasing your K-12 community’s engagement.

The Schoolwires team of Gina Beisel, Senior Manager of Creative Services, Kyle Taylor, Graphic Designer, and Amber Wolfe, Web Designer, explained why design is an essential aspect in creating a great user experience that keeps your K-12 community coming back to your websites, and how this is achieved. Gina, Kyle, and Amber discussed what makes for ‘good’ website design. Deeper than trends, taste, and aesthetics, design involves a whole process of objective thinking and problem solving as a basis for creating something beautiful, functional, and interactive. The presenters shared principles of design, the design process, best practices in design, benefits of good design, and how a well-designed website can increase community engagement.  View the webinar to learn how a well-designed website can increase community engagement for the schools in your district.

Earn your CE Certificate for viewing this recording: Join the free Parent Involvement & Community Engagement in K-12 community on  and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar.  Past webinars, presentation slides, and CE quizzes are available in the Webinar Archives folder of the Community Toolbox.

Parent Involvement & Community Engagement in K-12 is an online thought leadership community where district and school administrators, teachers, and parents can explore all aspects of family engagement and its positive effects on student achievement.  This program is sponsored by Schoolwires.

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