Presented by Tanji Reed Marshall, Ph.D., CEO and Principal Consultant, Liaison Educational Partners; and Amanda Alexander, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer, Scholastic
Presented by Karen L. Mapp, Ed.D., Professor of Practice, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Anne T. Henderson, Founder and Senior Consultant, National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (NAFSCE); and Jenni Brasington, National Director, FACE, Scholastic
Getting parents and caregivers involved in schools is often challenging. While, of course, they care about their children, certain barriers make it harder for them to get involved, no matter how much they want to. So what can schools do to help? During the edLeader Panel “Scaffolding: The Key to Engaging ALL Families in and Out of School,” Ilana Steinhauer, Executive Director of Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) Berkshires, and Rebecca Honig, Chief Content and Curriculum Officer at ParentPowered, explained how scaffolding can get families involved.
Presented by Kate Pechacek, K12 Strategic Advisor, TalkingPoints
Moderated by Heather Dooley, Senior Director of Brand Marketing and Communications, TalkingPoints
Presented by Ilana Steinhauer, Executive Director, Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) Berkshires; and Rebecca Honig, Chief Content and Curriculum Officer, ParentPowered
Presented by David Nungaray, Bilingual Consulting Partner, TNTP
Family communications programs are critical for student support. However, many times these well-intentioned efforts don’t effectively engage parents and caregivers because they don’t actually reflect the needs of the different members of the school community.
Presented by Nisaa Kirtman, Ph.D., Research Principal, Rockman et al Cooperative; Alex Gurn, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, Rockman et al Cooperative; Rebecca Honig, Chief Content and Curriculum Officer, ParentPowered; and Mallary Swartz, Ph.D., Senior Director of Research and Evaluation, ParentPowered
Presented by Kelsey Odell, Kindergarten Teacher, Farmington Area Public Schools (MN); and Paige DeLozier, Engagement Marketing Manager, TalkingPoints
Presented by Wendy Young, Third Grade Teacher, Fayette County Public Schools (KY); and Paige DeLozier, Engagement Marketing Manager, TalkingPoints