Graphic organizers are a great way to help students see the “big picture” and organize their thoughts. While the first image of a graphic organizer we think of is usually a Venn Diagram, there are many other types of other graphic organizers that can be used. Presenter Shannon Holden as he shared his extensive list… read more →
This months Brain and Learning webinar was both informative and inspirational. Over 250 participants joined to hear Angela discuss how successful student’s, workers, and citizens have identifiable habits and behaviors which allow them to manage emotions, communicate effectively, and sustain themselves as independent and successful lifelong learners. As Angela shared intentional lessons and conversations that nurture the brain and… read more →
Imagine a school district where personalized language-learning enables elementary students to learn Spanish and Mandarin. Envision school buildings where anyone, including teachers, paraprofessionals and cafeteria staff, can experience learning a new language; and students benefit by engaging in conversations with native adult speakers in a variety of school settings. This is the environment West Linn-Wilsonville… read more →
This month’s webinar explored new ways to invite students, parents, and community members to be part of your school garden experience. Nino La Stella, Greenhouse Director for the Montclair Public Schools in New Jersey, shared A Feast for Every Season, a Mount Hebron Middle School Greenhouse program that enables its students to appreciate the rhythm… read more →
How do you make independent learning work in the classroom? How do you accomplish a flipped classroom without giving out homework, and what is a “3 Ring Circus of Learning?” Find out in this month’s Flipped Learning webinar “Flipped Learning Primer Part II: Flipped-Mastery Learning” Session Description Flipped Learning Network’s Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams will… read more →
Listen to the interview with Marlene Woo-Lun, publisher of Library Media Connection, along with Larry Jacobs, founder of Education Talk Radio discuss the importance of the school library and school librarians. With the introduction of so much new and exciting technology, students and teachers need to know why they need their librarian. Like never before,… read more →
eBooks, eContent, and eReaders, oh my! With so many e’s it can be hard to tell one from the other. In this month’s Emerging Tech webinar presenter Michelle Luhtala explored and explained the various formats of digital content. During the hour long session Michelle discussed what to consider when selecting a format and an effective… read more →
edWebers were “twitterpated” with this month’s TechTools webinar presented by Shannon Holden. In this lively session all about Twitter for teachers, participants learned how to effectively develop their skills and careers in 140 characters or less. The hour long session was full of great ideas and suggestions for any twitter user. Veterans and newbies alike conversed eagerly as Shannon shared tips and… read more →
In this interactive webinar presenter Sara Moore discussed the State Standards as they relate to 6th and 7th grade math, as well as how these lessons carry over into 8th grade. Not only did Sara share examples that made ratio’s tangible, but participants also chatted amongst each other offering ideas of their own! “If it took 7 hours to… read more →
Presented By John J. Ratey, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Research Synthesizer, Speaker, and best selling Author In This Session While exercise in good for the body, Dr. John J. Ratey, MD, argues it is more important for the brain, especially when it comes to students in the classroom. Join… read more →