Getting Started with Coding and Robotics in K–8 Classrooms

In this edWebinar, a technology integrationist and an instructional technology specialist who began with no experience in coding and robotics will show you why they fell in love with coding and robotics, their lessons learned, and best practices for making a program work for you and your students.

Harness the Power of Real-Time Mathematics Assessment

In this edWebinar, the mathematics coordinator from the Waukegan Community Unit School District #60 in Illinois will discuss how the district employs a continuous and connected approach to improving assessment, instruction and learning.

Why Readers Fail and How to Break the Cycle

This edWebinar will explore the fundamentals of failure and how to keep students from spiraling into chronic failure. Learn effective and evidence-based strategies to support struggling readers in building grit and determination in their failure while keeping them from a perpetual cycle of failure that has detrimental outcomes.

Using Reinforcement in the Autism Classroom

This edWebinar will give participants a better understanding of reinforcement, strategies to implement and use reinforcement in the classroom, and specific ideas about what to use for reinforcement.

Pronunciation: Promoting Intelligibility and Comprehensibility to Support ELLs

The goal of this edWebinar is to provide participants with techniques, strategies, and practical ideas about how to improve their English language learners’ (ELL) pronunciation using pedagogical tools that enhance natural English stress, intonation and rhythm in connected speech.

Principal Leadership: Voices from the Field

This edWebinar will discuss and probe the results of the survey with feedback from our live audience, and set the stage for a series of monthly edWebinars that address the most compelling topics.

Tips Every New Teacher Needs to Know

Please join Brittany Fowler, Taylor Warren, Ashley McCrory, and Dr. Monte Tatom for this edWebinar as they discuss a few items that they each wish they had been told before entering their classrooms for the first time.

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