Closing the Homework Gap: Digital Equity for All Students
In this edWebinar a school superintendent, a district technology director and a public library director tell how address the challenges of digital equity.
In this edWebinar a school superintendent, a district technology director and a public library director tell how address the challenges of digital equity.
In this edWebinar, Crista Samaras, and co-presenter Katie Carroll will discuss the most critical element of bravery itself: Fear.
This edWebinar examines practices, strategies, and tools for teaching specialized language, unlocking the full potential of your students.
In this edWebinar, join Heather Barnard, Digital Learning Leader and Common Sense Ambassador, who will provide an international perspective on continuing the digital citizenship discussion through the summer.
In this edWebinar, a technology integrationist and an instructional technology specialist who began with no experience in coding and robotics will show you why they fell in love with coding and robotics, their lessons learned, and best practices for making a program work for you and your students.
Join this edWebinar to contribute to the conversation as panelists representing district leaders, school leaders, and product developers discuss their challenges with edtech and the market.
In this edWebinar, join Sara Delano Moore, Ph.D., Director of Professional Learning at ORIGO Education, to learn about mathematics and mathematicians in expected and unexpected places.
In this edWebinar, Sheryl Hill, Founder of Depart Smart, will discuss how to help students become global citizens by preparing them with essential travel safety skills.
This edWebinar showcases ways in which schools around the world are using collaborative digital learning environments for professional learning communities.
In this edWebinar, the mathematics coordinator from the Waukegan Community Unit School District #60 in Illinois will discuss how the district employs a continuous and connected approach to improving assessment, instruction and learning.
This edWebinar will explore the fundamentals of failure and how to keep students from spiraling into chronic failure. Learn effective and evidence-based strategies to support struggling readers in building grit and determination in their failure while keeping them from a perpetual cycle of failure that has detrimental outcomes.
This edWebinar will give participants a better understanding of reinforcement, strategies to implement and use reinforcement in the classroom, and specific ideas about what to use for reinforcement.
This edWebinar will explore strategies for effective violence prevention and response that improve a school’s culture, student engagement, and academic achievement.
This edWebinar will focus on the basics of second language acquisition, exploring the theories of Chomsky and Krashen, including learner differences and development.
Join in this edWebinar conversation as two school superintendents and a former large-district Chief Technology Officer share how district leaders can make high-stakes infrastructure investment decisions when technology, teaching and learning priorities, and funding are changing so rapidly and so constantly.
The goal of this edWebinar is to provide participants with techniques, strategies, and practical ideas about how to improve their English language learners’ (ELL) pronunciation using pedagogical tools that enhance natural English stress, intonation and rhythm in connected speech.
In this edWebinar, participants will learn about developmentally appropriate music and movement activities that naturally support children’s exploration of math concepts, including pattern, sequence, representation, proportion, and opposites.
In this edWebinar, learn about amazing tools for student creation that enable students to express their unique voices and make classrooms more fun!
Join this edWebinar to discuss the processes around the Challenge Collaborative that led to pedagogical shifts and impacted student outcomes, hear from teachers involved in the study, and learn more about how challenge-based learning can meet the goals of the NGSS while giving students agency to lead their learning.
This edWebinar will discuss and probe the results of the survey with feedback from our live audience, and set the stage for a series of monthly edWebinars that address the most compelling topics.
This edWebinar is focused on cultivating literacy and social-emotional learning. You’ll learn more about how to couple text with discussion, reflection, and student-driven action plans for any classroom and all content areas.
Please join Brittany Fowler, Taylor Warren, Ashley McCrory, and Dr. Monte Tatom for this edWebinar as they discuss a few items that they each wish they had been told before entering their classrooms for the first time.
This edWebinar will launch SETDA’s latest resource, the State K12 Instructional Materials Database, an online tool to access state-reviewed, full course instructional materials for secondary language arts and math.
In this edWebinar, attendees will be introduced to a finite set of high-yield elements of a successful literacy program of study.