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Suddenly Online: Anytime, Anywhere Learning

The goal of this edWebinar is to provide participants with the tools necessary to be prepared to facilitate high levels of learning at a distance.

Teaching News and Media Literacy in an Election Year

Join this edWebinar to learn about where to find quality resources to teach news and media literacy in your classroom and get tips on facilitating discussions and lessons about the news and current events.

Building an Olympic-Sized Growth Mindset

Join this edWebinar to hear from Apolo Ohno, 8x Olympic Medalist and Classroom Champions friend, to speak about how to build your Olympic-sized growth mindset.

Cultivating Compassionate Citizens in the Digital Age

In this edWebinar, Brian Burkhard, lead researcher at EVERFI, will explore the latest research related to mental health and technology to identify ways to promote positive development and reduce negative outcomes for youth living in an increasingly connected world.

What About Us? The PLC at Work Process in Early Childhood Blended and Virtual Learning Environments

In this edWebinar, you’ll learn about new tools for collaborative teams to use as they take collective responsibility to determine essential standards for both content and social-emotional learning, design developmentally appropriate assessments aligned to instruction, and monitor student progress to boost early childhood learning and development.

Focus on the Journey: Essential Skills Teens Need Most

In this edWebinar, we explore the metacognitive and social-emotional skills to best help students navigate this academic and personal life with success, as well as how educators can reinforce these skills, whether in person or at a distance.

Restoring Learning at Scale in a Remote Environment

Presented by Michael Romero, Local District South Superintendent, Los Angeles Unified School District, CA; and Todd Rogers, Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University, and Chief Scientist, EveryDay Labs

Trauma-Informed Skills for Online Learning Acceleration

Dr. Sandy Addis, will guide the discussion by providing an overview of: the need for trauma skills in our current climate, key district-level priorities, and best practices for creating a culture that supports the success of trauma-impacted students.

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