Presented by Kelly Knight, STEAM Coordinator, Riverside Presbyterian Day School,
Jacksonville, FL
Sponsored by littleBits Education
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From December 4th to 10th, educators and students around the world will be participating in the ultra-popular Hour of Code. Designed to demystify coding, Hour of Code is all about making it easy for educators and students to engage with coding and computer science.
But what are the best ways to get started? How can you take Hour of Code to the next level? In this edWebinar Kelly Knight, STEAM Coordinator at Riverside Presbyterian Day School in Jacksonville, FL, shares her tips, tricks, and tools for making Hour of Code epic.
Administrators, principals, teachers, librarians, and coaches for grades three to eight will benefit from watching this recorded session. Kelly also shares best practices and answer attendee questions. Join us to learn about different coding platforms, tools, and activities that Kelly uses with her students.
About the Presenter
Kelly Knight has worked for two years as the STEAM coordinator at Riverside Presbyterian Day School located in Jacksonville, FL. She facilitates a dedicated classroom makerspace where students, grades K-6, visit once a week to enhance their learning with STEAM-themed projects and challenges. Kelly provides students with access to a variety of tools and multiple forms of technology so that they have the opportunity to develop diverse skill sets. Students learn basic design and engineering principles, as well as circuitry, coding, robotics and most recently, 3D printing and design. Coding education has been enhanced by learning through technology like littleBits, as well as Sphero, KIBO, MaKey MaKey, and LEGO WeDo. Students have also used programs like Scratch and its app counterpart ScratchJr to develop coding skills.
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Watch the Recording
littleBits makes technology kits that are fun, easy-to-use, and infinitely creative. The kits are composed of electronic building blocks that are color-coded, magnetic, and make complex technology simple and fun. Together they’re interchangeable in millions of different ways to empower kids to invent anything – from a sibling alarm, to a wireless robot, to a digital instrument.