Presented by Cheri Sterman, Director of Education, Crayola; and James Wells, Innovative Teaching and Learning Manager, Crayola
Hosted by Jennifer Ehehalt, Sr. Regional Manager, Common Sense Education
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Family engagement has always been essential for effective education. But now more than ever, teachers and families are co-educators. Creative experiences draw families into learning together! Hands-on projects bring every subject to life.
In this edWebinar, Cheri Sterman and James Wells from Crayola share practice strategies that bridge school and home learning. Whether it is Moved by Math, Writing Art-Inspired Stories, or STEAM for 21st Century Learners, projects that actively engage students as decision makers who create, present, respond, and connect enliven learning!
This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to preK through middle school teachers and school and district leaders.
About the Presenters
Cheri Sterman helps build educators’ creative capacity. She translates research and best practices into professional learning courses on Creative Leadership, Multiliteracies, STEAM, and Family Engagement. Cheri is Vice-Chair of the Partnership for 21st Century Learning and served on the board of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Prior to joining Crayola Cheri taught child development at the University of Cincinnati and Sinclair College in Ohio.
James Wells is the Innovative Teaching and Learning Manager at Crayola. Before becoming a Crayolian, he was the Fine Art Supervisor for Shelby County School District in Memphis, Tennessee. HIs visionary leadership was also demonstrated as the Director of Arts Access for Tennessee Arts Commission in Nashville, Tennessee and Education Programs Manager for Culture & Heritage Museums in Rock Hill, South Carolina.
About the Host
Jennifer Ehehalt is the Pittsburgh Regional Manager at Common Sense Education. Jennifer has over 20 years of experience in education. She continues to partner with state-level organizations, school districts, and community organizations across the nation to help integrate Common Sense education resources. Jennifer provides educational leadership through consultation with school districts, professional development (both in-person and virtual), conference presentations, and parent universities. Jennifer sits on the Advisory Council for Kidsburgh and is a champion for Remake Learning Days Across America. Jennifer has a B.S. in elementary education and an M.Ed. in educational leadership. Jennifer was recently named 2019 Alumni of the Year from Edinboro University.
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