In this edWebinar, a sought-after educational consultant offers proven, practical teaching practices that mobilize student empathy.
How do you disseminate ideas on the science of character, social emotional learning, and flourishing in today’s world far and wide? Learn two fantastic resources to support these ideas.
. Dr. Smith and Dr. Fisher will discuss the importance of teachers’ maintaining a growth mindset about their students, and they also will provide tips and strategies for doing that.
In this edWebinar, learn from Terrie Noland, National Director, Educator Engagement for Learning Ally about how to build, cultivate and sustain a belief system in your school and in your classroom that can move mountains for struggling readers
In this webinar, Jonathan Erwin, M.A., provides a research-based rationale for teaching SEL, shares lessons that teach specific SEL skills, and shows how you can use SEL content to satisfy state standards. and Free Spirit Publishing, the leading publisher of learning tools that support children’s social-emotional health, announce the launch of Social-Emotional Learning, Positive Behavior, and Student Achievement, a free professional learning community (PLC) that offers a place for educators to explore practical, effective ways to integrate social-emotional learning, inclusive teaching practice, and higher-level instruction.
In this webinar, you will learn how personalized SEL games are uniquely meeting the needs of both Tier 1 and Tier 2 students.
Children live their lives with their hearts and minds open and connected. From that union of heart and mind, they develop into people who are balanced, happy, and successful. Learning objectives for this presentation: Research is supporting the importance of social emotional learning combined with academic instruction. Attendees received the most recent research information to support their understanding of the importance of social emotional learning.