Presented by Brian Smith, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Committee for Children (Creators of the Second Step Program); with Tammy Fisher, MEd, PhD Candidate, School Counselor, St. Thomas School in Medina, WA
Sponsored by The Second Step Program
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Research on and interest in helping students develop growth mindsets has exploded in recent years, and for good reason. Studies show that when students have a growth rather than a fixed mindset about their intelligence and ability to get better at schoolwork they are more academically motivated and resilient. But what about the mindsets of the adults that are in the classroom teaching students every day?
In this edWebinar, Brian Smith, PhD, Senior Research Scientist for Committee for Children (creators of the Second Step program); and Tammy Fisher, MEd, PhD Candidate, School Counselor for St. Thomas School in Medina, WA, address that missing piece of the growth mindset puzzle. Teachers’ mindsets matter—their mindsets about their students as well as their mindsets about themselves. Decades of research show that teachers’ attitudes and judgments have powerful effects on student learning. Dr. Smith and Tammy discuss the importance of teachers’ maintaining a growth mindset about their students, and they also will provide tips and strategies for doing that.
Neuroscience shows that adults’ brains can and do change and grow at all ages. During this live, interactive event, we also will discuss neuroscience research on adult brain malleability and the critical importance of adults in education adopting a growth mindset to support their own ongoing ability to improve as educators and support student success. There will be time to ask Dr. Smith and Tammy questions after their presentation. All K-12 administrators, teachers, counselors, school psychologists, and social workers are invited to join us as we explore the importance of educators’ mindsets.
About the Presenters
Brian Smith, PhD, received his doctorate in social welfare from the University of Washington, where he studied prevention science and focused his research on the development and evaluation of interventions to promote positive youth development and prevent youth problems. Before that he spent eight years working as a counselor and social worker in K–12 schools. Since 2005 he has been a research scientist at Committee for Children, where he works on developing and evaluating the Second Step school-based social-emotional learning program.
An educator for over 33 years, Tammy Fisher, MEd, PhD Candidate, has worked at all grade levels as teacher, parent coach, and school counselor. Most recently, she served 16 years as the first counselor in two K-8 school where she designed curriculum and taught students daily, coordinated a Golden Apple Award winning peer mediation program, and was named Washington State School Counselor of the Year in 2014. Tammy trains schools across the country and speaks nationally and internationally to educators and parents on restorative justice tools, supporting social, cognitive challenges and specific relationship strategies which build capacity in students to manage, challenge and thrive.
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The Second Step Social-Emotional Learning Program is the premier SEL curriculum in the US, reaching over 10 million students each year. Students love the lessons, teachers report immediate results, and administrators see improved school climate.