Presented by Dr. Margarita Calderón, Professor Emerita, Johns Hopkins University; and Amanda Dobbins, Vice President of Professional Learning Services, Scholastic
Presented by Dr. Giselle Carpio-Williams, Vice President, Multilingual Advocacy and Content, HMH; and Dr. Brian Joseph, National Director, Innovation and Insights, HMH
Presented by Alex Kajitani, National Teacher of the Year Finalist and Best-Selling Author; and Nina Dixon-Mauricia, Senior Director, Digital Implementation, CORE Learning
Moderated by Kristie Shelley, Chief Product Officer, CORE Learning
With the rising number of students who don’t speak English fluently, teachers may struggle to adapt and get new students invested in the learning process. In the edLeader Panel “Supporting Newcomers and Multilingual Learners in Your District,” experts discussed language trends, the difference between language FOR learning and language OF learning, and the key steps for the success of programs aimed at new English language students.
Presented by Viviana Hall, Global Bilingual-ESL-Dual Language Consultant, Global VIDA; Lori Lynch, Vice President of Professional Learning, Britannica Education; and Criselda Dixon, Customer Experience Manager, Britannica Education
Presented by Nigel Nisbet, Former Math Coach, Current Vice President, Content Creation, MIND Education
Presented by Antonio A. Fierro, Ed.D., Vice President of Professional Learning and Academics, 95 Percent Group; and Maya Goodall, Chief Strategy Officer, CORE Learning
Moderated by Kristie Shelley, Chief Product Officer, CORE Learning
Presented by Zaretta Hammond, Founder and CEO, Transformative Learning Solutions; and Maya Goodall, Chief Strategy Officer, CORE Learning
Moderated by Kristie Shelley, Chief Product Officer, CORE Learning
Presented by Dr. Karen Johannesen Brock, Elementary School Principal, Author, Associate, Solution Tree
Presented by Jeff McCoy, Associate Superintendent for Academics, Greenville County Schools (SC); Dr. Zandra Jo Galván, Superintendent, Greenfield Union School District (CA); and Dr. Maria Joie Austria, Director, Curriculum, Strategy and School Supports, Language Acquisition Division, Office of Teaching and Learning, District of Columbia Public Schools (DC)
Moderated by Joan Macenat Charles, Regional Partner (DC, DE, MA, MD, VA), Really Great Reading