The conversation about equity is spreading in classrooms all across the United States. Ask any educator and they will tell you how important it is to ensure equal access to opportunity for all students. But converting this conversation into action in order to close the existing gaps is not always a straightforward process. In fact, many schools don’t know where to begin.
Presented by Stacy Hurst, M.Ed., Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, Southern Utah University, and Chief Education Officer, Reading Horizons; and Lindsay Kemeny, Second Grade Teacher, Davis School District (UT)
Presented by Leana R. Malinowsky, Elementary Educator, Grade 2, Private Nicholas Minue School (NJ); and Paul Garcia, Special Education Teacher, Private Nicholas Minue School (NJ)
Moderated by Terrie Noland, Ph.D., CALP, Vice President, Educator Initiatives, Learning Ally
Changing the reading instruction provided by a school or district is a complex, multi-step process that can take years to accomplish, but as one presenter noted during the edLeader Panel, “Leadership and the Science of Reading: An Honest Look at the Joys and Challenges of School Transformation,” it can transform students’ lives as well as significantly increase their academic achievement.
Presented by Alisa VanHekken, Chief Academic Officer and Curriculum Author, Heggerty; and Marjorie Bottari, Director of Professional Development and Curriculum Author, Heggerty
Presented by Dori Veto, VP of Product Marketing and Engagement, Perfection Learning; and Kim Vance, Director of Professional Development, Perfection Learning
Presented by Dr. Gene Kerns, Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, Renaissance; and Dr. Jan Bryan, Vice President and National Education Officer, Renaissance
Presented by Dr. Nathan Clemens, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, The University of Texas at Austin
Presented by Eyal Rav-Noy, Head of Product, Capit Learning
Moderated by Jeanette Russell, VP of Customer Success, Capit Learning
Presented by Shane Templeton, Ph.D., Foundation Professor Emeritus of Literacy Studies, University of Nevada, Reno