What can apps teach you about leadership? It may not be what you expect! In this edWeb.net Essential Elements for Digital Learning community Jeff Mao explored leadership at multiple levels and from multiple perspectives.
Dr. Robert Dillon shared a variety of ideas and action steps that schools are taking to grow the connectedness of their classrooms. Connected classrooms amplify learning through the use of technology tools, while helping provide students with choice, voice, and an authentic audience, as they showcase their new learning about the interconnectivity of people, place, and planet.
Being a school leader is more than just being a manager. When it comes to evaluations and reflecting on current practices, it is important for a school leader to be a coach. What is effective coaching? How can school leaders be better coaches?
New Jersey Library Media Specialist Laura Fleming introduced the Maker Movement and provided tips on how you can create a makerspace in your own school. An overview of makerspaces and how they foster experimentation, invention, creation, exploration, and STEM/STEAM-related concepts were examined.
Digital devices and technologies are slowly taking over our classrooms. More and more each day, teachers and students are utilizing these resources to enhance teaching and learning. For school leaders, it is important to understand not only how technology is being used in the classroom but how effective its use is.
Future Ready is a free, bold new effort to maximize digital learning opportunities and help school districts move quickly toward preparing students for success in college, a career, and citizenship.
School improvement can’t exist until the learning of educators becomes the constant. Teachers all across America are working hard, but some fail while others excel. To reach the goal of “No Child Left Behind,” it starts with saving every teacher first. Excellence in Every Classroom (EIEC) is a philosophy that leaders employ to save every kid by making teacher learning the preferred tool of school improvement.
Being a digital leader today is more important than ever. From effectively using technology, to keeping in touch with your school community, to creating innovative ways to engage with staff; the role of the digital leader is is a crucial one.
Whether they are ready or not, our students of today will be our leaders of tomorrow. In this webinar, featuring the Korean War as a backdrop, presenter Dana Maddock, Curriculum Trainer – MOH Character Development Program, explored the character value of leadership.
Teaching is one of the world’s most complex crafts. How do great teachers reach the reluctant, capitalize on student capacities, and maximize learning? In this webinar, Sean McComb, 2014 National Teacher of the Year, explored a range of strategies to answer such questions.