edWeb.net, a professional learning and social network for the education community, has partnered with Kaplan Early Learning Company, a leader in the field of early care and education, to present Classroom Management for Early Learning, to help early childhood educators enhance the classroom environment to improve young children’s learning. Classroom Management for Early Learning provides… read more →
In this webinar, presented by the Growing School Gardens community on edWeb.net, Whitney Cohen, Life Lab’s Education Director, used stories, photos, and discussion to share tried-and-true tips for managing large groups of students in an outdoor environment. Topics included: Tone setting, comfort, and routines; Fostering student buy-in; Encouraging productive teamwork and cooperative learning; Establishing group norms; Determining when to be consistent with the indoor rules and when to establish new behavior expectations.
Webinar presenter, Shannon Holden, Assistant Principal at Republic Middle School, MO, regularly speaks to groups of teachers and mentors across the country. Through these experiences, he has found that one topic continues to be at the forefront – classroom management.
The inquiry based nature of the Common Core Standards require students demonstrate proficiency in research skills. However, students seldom have a clear understanding of how to differentiate fact-finding overviews from targeted and detailed evidence collection.
In this month’s EdTech Innovators webinar, presenter Tim Clark discussed the benefits he has seen of implementing BYOT in Forsyth County, GA. He talked about personalizing students’ learning experience, empowering them to create something new that shows what they know
In this month’s New Teacher Help webinar on edWeb.net, persenter Shannon Holden talked about the use of digital portfolios by teachers and students to demonstrate learning. He discussed how digital porfolios are becoming more widely used in the classroom, as students are able to take charge of what they learn and how they present their learning to teachers and parents. Join Shannon Holden as he helps teachers utilize this great new way to get students excited about learning.
This month’s edTech Innovators webinar on edWeb.net, presenter Randy Moczygemba offered his perspective on how rolling out one tech initiative can pave the way for others. Randy discussed his district’s 1-to-1 iPad initiative and his use of iTunes U in staff development.
In this month’s teaching students with Autism webinar on edWeb.net, presenter Lauren Stafford discussed visuals and their use in fundamental concepts for students who are visual learners.
Legislation has been passed in many states that hold school personnel responsible for the damages inflicted by bullies on their victims. In this month’s Stop Bullying webinar on edWeb.net presenter Shannon Holden reveals techniques school employees can use to protect themselves from lawsuits.
In the third TIME For Kids webinar on edWeb.net presenters Suzanne and Jaime discussed nonfiction and their alignment with the common core. They shared ways to use the images and graphics in a non-fiction article as entry points for a topic and examples of nonfiction articles that have significant visual components.