Raising Funds & Friends for Your School Garden: Hard-Learned Lessons from Granny’s Garden School


Screen Shot 2014-08-04 at 2.27.39 PMIn this webinar for the edWeb.net Growing School Gardens community, presenter Roberta Paolo, the Founder and Executive Director of Granny’s Garden School, discussed lessons learned while starting and running a major school garden program.  Roberta (A.K.A. Granny) shared a range of fund-raising and friend-raising tips based on her experience running Granny’s Garden School since 2002. Working with 50 classrooms (1,400 students, 1st-4th grade) each week on one campus in a suburban school district without financial support from the school system or government creates substantial challenges when it comes to funding.  Granny shared how her organization faces these challenges.  She described techniques for increasing volunteer support, securing in-kind donations, and fund-raising effectively. Granny covered all of the key aspects of school garden fund-raising and friend-raising, including communication, sharing, community relationships, business relationships, direct revenue generation, as well as grants and foundations.  View the webinar to learn proven strategies for securing the money and people you need to take your school garden to the next level!

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Growing School Gardens is a professional learning community (PLC) for educators, gardeners, parents, and community volunteers to come together to share information and resources on how to start and maintain a school garden, and integrate it into the curriculum, the life of a school, and the local community.  This program is sponsored by Scotties Trees Rock and co-hosted by edWeb.net, the Edible Schoolyard Project, the National Farm to School Network, and Life Lab.

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