Setting up a structure for fundraising to support your students who want to travel is crucial regardless of their family income. Educational travel can be made attainable for all students if you create a plan and stick with it. Carrie A. Olson, PhD, Researcher and Teacher at West Leadership Academy, Denver Public Schools, presented with Carylann Assante, CAE, Executive Director of SYTA and the SYTA Youth Foundation, in “How We Helped 800 Students Participate in Educational Travel: Proven Tools and Tips.” The experts shared tips on planning for educational travel to make it accessible for all students.
In this edWebinar, learn how to set up a structure for fundraising to support your students who want to travel, regardless of their family income.
In this webinar, Carylann Assante, Executive Director of the SYTA Youth Foundation, will share everything you and your students need to raise funds to support student travel and other educational projects
Roberta Paolo, the Founder and Executive Director of Granny’s Garden School, discussed lessons learned while starting and running a major school garden program. Roberta (A.K.A. Granny) shared a range of fund-raising and friend-raising tips based on her experience running Granny’s Garden School since 2002.