How We Promote Learning Milestones for Infants and Toddlers
Babies and toddlers make awesome strides in development and learning over the first three years of life. From an initial supine position with clenched fists, infants develop into vigorous crawlers, then delighted vertical toddling walkers. They are then able to manage space with grace to run, and are even able to bend and scoop up toys to hold as they cruise along. Their fine motor skills progress to being able to point imperiously with the second finger for a toy they would like, and to pick up a Cheerio with dexterity. Their vocalizations grow from the birth cry and earliest throaty coos, to the full-fledged phrases of toddler telegraphic speech, and then to sentences. With patient, loving parent and teacher support they develop rich language abilities. They learn emergent literacy skills: text differs from drawings; stories are read from left to right. From teacher modeling and from prosocial storybooks, babies and toddlers learn to care about the feelings of others and develop a desire to be helpful. With practice and teacher patience, toddlers learn self-regulation skills – how to wait patiently for a turn; how to self soothe when they wish they could do something or get something right away. In this webinar hosted by the Classroom Management for Early Learning community, teachers learned from Dr. Alice Sterling Honig how: early language progresses and how a teacher can optimally support early language progress; to encourage kindness and caring in the classroom; to engender a deep love of storybook sharing and a pride in loving books; to instill a deep conviction in babies and toddlers that they are safe, well-loved and cherished, and can in turn behave in cherishing ways with others; to encourage curiosity and a passion for learning.
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Classroom Management for Early Learning is a free online professional learning community (PLC) that helps early childhood educators share resources, tools, best practices and more to help them create healthy, creative and happy learning environments that support early learning and child development. The community hosts online discussions that make it easy for educators to stay connected over time with fellow teachers to share ideas, practices, examples, and lesson plans. The community is a growing resource center with webinar archives, CE quizzes, and support materials that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This program is sponsored by Kaplan Early Learning Company.
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