Healthy Teachers = Healthy Classrooms
At Movara, we know that teachers have a great impact on developing healthy relationships and attitudes in young children. We also know that when we have a better understanding of a subject, it is easier to share or teach to others. This webinar hosted by the Amazing Resources for Educators community helped to increase attendees’ understanding of fitness and nutrition, and invited participants to think about how their science and application go hand-in-hand. We also know that everyone, including educators, encounters challenges when trying to apply healthy living to their busy lives. In this webinar, registered dietitian, Emily Fonnesbeck, and fitness trainer, Tiffany Gust, both with Movara Fitness Resort, helped attendees move toward a healthier lifestyle. A healthier you also means a healthier classroom. Emily and Tiffany shared helpful tools to apply healthy living to a busy lifestyle, including strategies and tips on the following topics: A basic framework for balanced and healthy meals; Quick and easy meal and snack ideas; How to reconnect with hunger and fullness levels to develop self-trust; Fitness tips to fit into your busy day.
Earn your CE Certificate for viewing this recording: Join the free Amazing Resources for Educators community on and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar. Past webinars, presentation slides, and CE quizzes are available in the Webinar Archives folder of the Community Toolbox.
The Amazing Resources for Educators community saves you time and money while identifying top quality resources for schools and classrooms. The focus is on identifying invaluable resources for educators, while serving very specific audiences including K-12 technology professionals and educators of English language learners. This program is sponsored by and co-hosted by and Big Deal Media.
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I watched the recording of Healthy Teachers, Healthy Classrooms since I missed the actual presentation video. Is there a way to receive a certificate for my continuing education hours? Thank you!!
Hi Pat,
You can earn your certificate by taking a brief CE quiz. You can take the following steps to find the CE quiz that you need:
Log onto
Visit the Amazing Resources for Educators community.
Click the Join this community link in the upper-right corner of the community home page.
Now that you are a member of the community, go back to the community home page.
Click the Webinar Archives link under the Community Toolbox on the left side.
You will be redirected to a list of folders, one for each webinar that has been hosted by this community.
Look for Healthy Teachers = Healthy Classrooms at the bottom of the list.
You will find the CE quiz and other webinar related materials in that folder.
View this video tutorial for more information on accessing webinar archives and obtaining CE certificates. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.