Thank You to Teachers Around the World!
October 5th is World Teachers’ Day. Every day we should take time to thank teachers for their dedication to providing students around the world with the best education possible, often under difficult circumstances.
This year, the theme of World Teachers’ Day is Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession recognizing “the critical importance of reaffirming the value of the teaching mission. We call upon governments to make teaching a profession of first choice for young people. We also invite teacher unions, private sector employers, school principals, parent-teacher associations, school management committees, education officials and teacher trainers to share their wisdom and experiences in promoting the emergence of a vibrant teaching force. Above all, we celebrate the work of dedicated teachers around the world who continue to strive every day to ensure that ‘inclusive and equitable quality education’ and the promotion of ‘lifelong learning opportunities for all’ become a reality in every corner of the globe.”
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