edWeb and Digital Promise Discuss Personalized Learning and Research in EdTech
edWeb.net and Digital Promise are working together to help all stakeholders in education—educators, researchers, and product/service providers—move forward faster with new tools and technologies, but also to ensure that there is solid evidence to support these innovations.
A conversation about these issues was hosted by Larry Jacobs on Education Talk Radio with Susanne Nobles, Partnerships Director, and Christina Luke, Project Director of Digital Promise, and Lisa Schmucki, founder and CEO of edWeb.net.
Christina Luke noted the importance of providing research so that school districts can make solid decisions about products and tools. This is where their Edtech Pilot initiative comes into play: A series of steps for districts to run successful edtech pilots and see if a product is meeting their goals and needs. Districts can also read and share their own pilot study briefs, which explain what the experience and results have been from other pilots.
Susanne Nobles discussed Digital Promise’s Learner Positioning Systems, a tool to support research-based personalized learning, how learners learn, and what impacts them. She noted that LPS is a play off of GPS, and supports where learners might be at any given time on their learning path. All of Digital Promise’s resources are free and can be accessed online.
Digital Promise hosts two communities on edWeb. Personalized Learning for All is bringing together researchers, educators, entrepreneurs and product developers to help personalized learning reach its full potential. Members share the latest research findings, best practices, and success stories that are shaping the development of research-based programs and products to address the growth of learning variability in today’s schools.
Research and Evidence in Edtech is bringing together similar stakeholders to share best practices related to edtech research and evaluation, and to conduct thoughtful pilot studies to determine program or product efficacy, and communicate results to increase the amount of usable information available for decision makers. Educators are invited to join these two communities for invitations to upcoming edWebinars, online discussions, and access to resources.
Digital Promise is a nonprofit organization that builds powerful networks and takes on grand challenges by working at the intersection of researchers, entrepreneurs, and educators.
Listen to the Education Talk Radio interview below.
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