In a recent edWebinar hosted by edWeb, a panel of high school seniors from Livingston High School (NJ), each with different career aspirations, discussed the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education and their future. Ella, Ashley, Oishik, and Parker offered unique insights into how AI has influenced their academic lives and shaped their views on their prospective fields. The panel was moderated by Robert Rolling, Livingston’s PreK-12 Supervisor of Business, Technology, and Engineering and a leader in the district’s AI policy and curriculum development, who gave an overview of the Livingston Schools District’s approach to managing AI.
Presented by a panel of Livingston High School senior students
Moderated by Robert Rolling, PreK-12 Supervisor of Business, Technology & Engineering, Livingston Public Schools (NJ)
Presented by Nicki Slaugh, Principal, Quest Academy Junior High School (UT); and Eric Sheninger, CEO, Aspire Change EDU
For many educators, the first response to asking about using AI is, “No, not in our school.” But during the edLeader Panel “AI in Education: Steering Towards Equity and Empowerment,” experts explained why AI shouldn’t be automatically shunned and, instead, should be viewed as another powerful tool in an educator’s arsenal.
Presented by Alana Winnick, Educational Technology Director and Data Protection Officer, Pocantico Hills Central School District (NY); Ken Shelton, International Speaker and Consultant, Elevate Education; and Diana Hughes, Vice President, Product Innovation and AI, Age of Learning
Moderated by Sunil Gunderia, Chief Innovation Officer, Age of Learning
Presented by Michelle Spain, ESL Teacher, Worcester Public Schools (MA); Alicia Serafin, EL Teacher, Everett Public Schools (MA); Lydia Crush, ESL Teacher, Modern Classrooms Mentor, The Modern Classrooms Project; and Toni Rose Deanon, Community Engagement Manager, The Modern Classrooms Project
Presented by Amanda Pharis, BCBA, LBA, MA SpEd, Associate Director, School Programs, True Measure Collaborative; and Cassie Watkins, Program Manager, True Measure Collaborative
Moderated by Samantha du Preez, Marketing & Community Engagement Director, The Modern Classrooms Project
Presented by Lindsay Jones, CEO, CAST; and Sarah Wisecarver, Ventures Educator, UDL Team Facilitator, Hampstead Central School (NH)
Moderated by Barbara Pape, Senior Director, Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise
Presented by Kelisa Wing, CEO and President, Promises and Possibilities; and Dr. Tanji Reed Marshall, CEO and Principal Consultant, Liaison Educational Partners
Moderated by Barbara Pape, Senior Director, Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise
Presented by Sarah Oberle, M.Ed., Doctoral Student, Educational Leadership and Cognitive Sciences, University of Delaware; and Jessica Jackson, Director of Professional Learning, Digital Promise
Moderated by Barbara Pape, Senior Director, Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise