Create Your Own Textbooks for the Common Core
The common core standards are essential in creating a shift in the learning standards in this ever-changing society. If used properly, these standards can provide learners with unique ways to engage with content that is otherwise unavailable. Nicole, who was named T.H.E Journal’s Innovator of the Month, discusses how she was able to use iBooks author with her colleagues to create science textbooks that aligned with the Common Core. She also shares her favorite interactive websites and tech tools specifically for teachers who are transitioning to meet these standards. Click the image below to watch the webinar.
Quotes from the session:
“Wow! What an amazing site loaded with resources and examples!!”
“Love your enthusiasm for making iBooks, Nicole! Thanks for the great resources.”
“Very useful info shared today, thank you everyone!”
Presented by: Nicole Rothbauer, Intervention Specialist, Salem City Schools
Nicole Rothbauer is an intervention specialist in Salem City (Ohio) Schools. She team-teaches 7th and 8th grade science, and has collaborated with her co-teachers, using iBooks Author, to create Common Core-aligned science textbooks.
To take the CE Quiz and access the resources for this session visit the professional learning community EdTech Innovators.
EdTech Innovators presents a series of webinars with educators who are exceptional in their use of technology to support teaching and learning. The presenters have been selected by the editors of THE Journal as part of their Innovator of the Month profile. You’ll hear from teachers, librarians, and administrators about all the creative ways they are integrating technology into education. The variety of tools and applications is stunning, and the applications touch every aspect of the life of a school community.
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