edWeb 2022 Teacher Professional Learning Survey
edWeb.net is a free professional learning network that provides educators with online professional learning communities and edWebinars. edWeb has grown to a global community of over 1 million educators from preK – higher ed. edWeb provides personalized, collaborative learning—anytime, anywhere. During the pandemic, the need for virtual collaboration, learning, and support has been more critical than ever.
For the past five years, we’ve conducted a Teacher Professional Learning Survey. This annual benchmarking of our teachers’ attitudes and experiences shows the continued need and value of online professional learning, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The comments we receive every year help us continually improve our services. edWeb CE certificates are accepted nationwide for PD hours and for teacher re-licensure in 44 states.
The survey was conducted in early February 2022. It was sent via email to 125,000 edWeb teacher members and received 1,245 replies, a 1% response rate, with no incentive. The email quantity and response rate are comparable to past years.
2022 Key Takeaways from edWeb Teachers
- Webinars are the professional learning activity that helps them improve the most.
- It’s most important that the content is current and relevant, that they can participate on their own time, and that the programs are free.
- 60% are using their edWeb CE certificates for their school and district PD hours.
- 45% are using edWeb CE certificates to renew their state teacher’s license.
- 57% report that professional learning on edWeb impacts their students’ learning.
- 50% share their learning with colleagues, and it impacts their students’ learning.
- 32% report that edWeb has had a schoolwide impact on student learning.
Summary of Results
The first question in the survey asks, “What type of professional development helps you improve as a teacher?” For five years in a row, our members have responded that webinars are number one. This year, online professional learning networks moved ahead of teacher education courses.
Each year, we ask teachers why they engage in professional learning, and consistently, the top three answers are to improve their teaching, to learn new ideas and practices, and to improve learning for students. The results reflect the dedication of educators to the larger goal of professional learning—to have an impact on student learning.
We asked teachers what features are important in a teacher professional development program. The most important feature is that the content be current and relevant, followed by the flexibility to participate on their own time, that the program is free, and the ability to receive a certificate of completion.
The survey asks, “How has edWeb helped you in the past year?” Results show edWeb has been most helpful for acquiring valuable information and resources, increasing knowledge in their field, making learning more engaging for students, and getting support not available in their school/district.
60% of our teachers are using their edWeb CE certificates for their school and district PD hours and 45% to renew their state teacher’s license.
This year, we see a notable increase in the impact edWeb has on student learning. 57% of teachers report edWeb has a high impact on their students’ learning. 50% of teachers share their learning with colleagues, and that impacts their students learning. 30% of respondents report that edWeb has a schoolwide impact on students’ learning.
For the past three years, we’ve asked our teacher members, “How likely are you to recommend edWeb to a colleague?” 67% of our teacher members give edWeb a 10, the highest score. The answers to this question on a scale of 1 – 10 can be converted to a Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric that is used to show the value of a company or service. edWeb’s NPS score jumped to 77 this year, an exceptionally high score that very few companies attain.
We received over 1,100 comments from our teachers who took the survey. Their comments are overwhelmingly positive and thankful for our free service that provides the kind of high-quality, online professional learning they need and CE certificates for their PD hours.
“During the pandemic, edWeb was a blessing to enable me to be connected to the learning community and for professional development. It also helped us to implement strategies to fill in gaps of learning students faced due to virtual classes. Thank you Team edWeb!!!”
For the full survey report, click the button below.
Download the edWeb 2022 Survey Results
For questions on the survey, contact [email protected].
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